day 2...
I had reached the saturation point. The whole ab reduction experiment had taken its toll on my psyche. I was having trouble keeping up with my ametuerish off-the-cuff plan to reduce my waistline to a more managable level. Yes, I was really starting to lose interest in the whole thing. I couldn't seem to keep up with my situps and crunches, and I needed a change in scenario to rescue me from my fall into apathetic oblivion... The plan originally was to try to keep doing situps/crunches daily, but it immediately deteriorated into a consistent every-other-day plan. Unfortunately in the last few weeks I had experience a further loss of interest - I was doing the situps/crunches about every 3 or four days. Worse still, I had lost interest in even doing them at all, since the only tangeable gain from it in the 3 months or so was the loss of a couple of pounds. As fate would have it, I mentioned the whole 'abs of steel' experiment to a friend of mine, and she was kind enough to lend me a book detailing a more legitamate ab strengthening program.
Now it's day 2 of the new program... and I am possessed with a newfound fervor lacking in my previous endevour. My body aches from the trials I had put myself through in the past two days, but I like it. Supposedly I'll have abs of steel in about 3 months - we shall see. But in the meantime I have found a new motivation to continue, which I am thankful for.
But it's odd... Lately, I've noticed that I have been going through a few lifestyle changes. I've been a fairly normal TV watcher throughout my life, but lately my TV watching has dwindled to near nothingness (not that that's bothering me), and I haven't even thought of videogaming. I've been studying harder (sort of), and working more. I've been sleeping less (shocking since I love sleep) and partying more. I've been watching what I eat lately (less red meat, more vegatables and fruit). I've even been considering (gasp) jogging to improve my cardiovalscular. What's going on with me?