Sunday, March 06, 2005

I've got the creeps

I'm not very superstitious. I don't really believe in ghosts or apparitions or vengeful spirits and such.

However, I had one of those 'experiences'. I was working late; and I turned off all the lights, etc. and prepared to go home. But then I decided to stay and work on my homework. Well it was very dark except for the desk light, and then there were these whooshing noises all through the walls. Then there these creaking noises. It was probably the ventilation, I told myself. Unfortunately, I started to have flashbacks to 'The Grudge' and... I expediously vacated the area. Blasted Japanese horror movies. Seriously, that movie was scary. I'm not going to see the Ring 2 or Dark Water. I'm staying away from anything that even looks like a Japanese horror film...


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