Sunday, March 19, 2006

Putting it off

I've been doing everything I can to avoid the inevitable . . . having to do another paper. I've been learning the guitar, practicing bowling, writing programs, and reading a bit. All to put off doing my paper for English. Interestingly enough, I got an A on my last paper, my first in eight years or so ('course I've been out of school for at least five years in the middle). I'm perfectly capable of writing well, but let's face it, I don't like to write. Not sure why. Maybe because I'm a perfectionist, so I don't like doing crappy work; however, writing isn't something I can do easily. Maybe I'm just not much of a communicator. Maybe I just lack the energy. Maybe I lack the discipline.

The past week has sucked. I've been recovering from some sort of stomach-flu, so I've been rather unproductive this week. Also my b-day came and passed, and for some reason it always depresses me a little. It's been cold. I hope the weather warms up soon.


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