Monday, February 28, 2005

My dental appointment

Yay! I had a dental appointment this morning. I showed up half an hour early which meant I had to wait an extra half hour. The long periods of waiting, the shining of the light in your face, and the sharp metal objects being put into your mouth... Is it me, or does it seem as if dentistry has very much in common with interrogation and torture?

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Marking time

I'm just marking time with this post. I have this habit of playing a CD over and over in my CD player because I don't want to decide what to play next. It's bluegrass. I'm getting a little depressed...

I've gotten a little bit of a reputation at work. Apparently, my boss got wind of what I did at the party. "He did WHAT!? NO WAY!!!" He falls down laughing.

And some other people. "Yeah, I know what you did at the party. I saw the pictures. Yeah, you better walk away!" (I didn't like him anyway)

Geez, it was just the one time...

Friday, February 25, 2005

I've become addicted to Red Bull

I hate coffee, I'm not a morning person, and I've become acclimated to the taste of Red Bull, so... naturally.

Also, I've been trying to cut down on my red meat consumption, just for the sake of general health. I've been aiming for, at the most, two meals a week of red meat. I've found that it's pretty difficult (I've only been able to get it down to 3-4), and I'm starting to get sick of chicken. So much so that I've been considering eating the occasional vegetarian meal.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Monkeying Around

I have a sore neck. I was completely wiped out yesterday from lack of sleep. And I barely remember what happened on Sunday night.

I've never been one to be swept away by the seemingly socialogical urge to consume alcohol in large quantaties. For one thing, I'm almost always the one who needs to take other people home. I'm the chaeffor, the designated driver. (The one person in my group of friends who even has a car) So I've never really been in a position to cut loose. But Sunday night I figured, what the hell? I'm at a party, why waste time being sober? But as usual, I still have to drive home at the end of the night because I work the next morning. What to do?

I came up with a plan. I would simply take most of my alcohol up front, and keep track of how many drinks I had. The rule is one drink takes one hour for your liver to get rid of it (for the average person - I'm close enough). So based on the # of drinks I had and the time I started drinking (8 pm) I could figure out by what time I will be sober. So, to signal my intent, I took two shots immediately after I arrived. After three more drinks and another shot, I was like, that's it no more! I mean, I need to work in the morning so I have to be sober enough to drive home. Blasted peer pressure forced (forced!) me to drink two more before I asked someone to make sure I had no more drinks. By 11:30, I had had eight drinks and was feeling reasonably fine thank you. I don't exactly remember the next 3 hours...

It is said that alcohol has different effects on different people. One person may change from a mild manner person to the person who's dancing naked at parties. Some people become depressed or withdrawn. Some people seem unaffected by it. As Freon wrote, imbibing alcohol tends to unleash the monkey within all of us. I think any baggage or repression a person may hold tends to bubble up when under the influence.

Some guy in the party was professing his love for one of the girls. Typical. I apparently couldn't stand up and kept crashing into the walls, the floors, and other people. Also I vaguely remember having a conversation with some other guy, and we had an epiphany. I have no idea what we talked about, but I remember it being an epiphany. I spilled some chocolate syrup all over the floor. And... I think I groped one of the girls - I don't remember who. I blame the monkey.

The next day some of the people said I was a fun drunk. Whatever. I was severly sleep deprived. My plan worked I guess. No passing out, no hangover. I was sober when I left, and I was mad about leaving so late, but first I had to track down my keys from whoever took them...


I'm trying to multitask, but my computer is too slow. I'm just recording (and listening to some music) and trying to browse on the internet (and blog), but my computer can't handle it. How annoying. Earlier this weekend, I tried to remove all the adware from my computer. There are thousands of pieces of adware infecting my computer and it takes too long to remove them, so basically it's a waste of time. Having wasted my free time over the weekend, I have to go back to school tomorrow. Bummer.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


Let me correct myself. I don't eat math for breakfast. I'm pretty good at math, that's all. I like math. I used to think I really liked math, but then I met someone who was waaaaaaaay more into math than I was, I just didn't realize it. One time he tried to talk to me about this amazing geometrical shape with infinite surface area and finite volume, but I'm afraid my eyes started to glaze over. I guess I'm more of a practical mathematician.

By the way, I did in fact get a cell phone. Congratulations to me for rejoining the rest of society! It's pretty cool, actually. One thing I wish my phone could do, but can't, is send a voice memo to myself. I can record a voice memo, but to hear it again I have to go back to the voice memo menu. Geez, what's the point then? I think it would be pretty cool to be able to set up your voice memo to call you at a certain programmed time. Can you imagine hearing a ring, answering the phone, and then your voice reminds you about something? Okay, it might be a little creepy, but not if you use a special ringtone for it. Anyways, it's just a thought.

Thursday, February 17, 2005

The problem with commuting... that you have to leave plenty of time to arrive at your destination, in case of traffic and whatnot. So, now I'm here at school with an hour of time to kill.

I took my first exam in like, years. I have to admit, I was fairly nervous. My pacing was a little off. Normally I work at a very deliberate speed, going somewhat slowly, but making very few mistakes. This time I went faster than normal because I needed to make sure that I completed the exam. I finished with 30 minutes to spare, so I did some double checking, and found tons of mistakes. Anyways, I probably still did well on it, it just feels a little weird.

Digital logic. That's the name of the class. For some reason, it doesn't come out of my mouth easily, like say, Math or English. The class exists only in an alternate universe or something. I'd like to say it's easy, and it is in a sense. It's basically another math class in disguise. I eat math class for breakfast. I doesn't matter that the teacher has this awful accent, and is very inexperienced. It doesn't matter that the class is practically on tranquilizers - I mean there is virtually no class participation by anybody. I scored a 99% on my first homework like it was nothing, and some other guy scored an 18%!? Not that I'm bragging or anything, it's just that this class isn't really testing me very well. I have mediocre notetaking skills, and nonexistent study habits, but it doesn't even matter. My main problem is trying to stay motivated. (Stop daydreaming!) One time I was so bored taking I started drawing clouds, birds, and three dimensional cubes all over my notes (basically the only objects I can draw). Oh well, school is going to be a mental endurance test for me more than anything.

I've been thinking about getting a cell phone. When I'm at school, I'm basically uncontactable - not that it matters much, I'm not Mr. popular or anything. For whatever reason, despite being pretty good at using technology, I've inherited a sort of weird pseudo-technophobia in that I'm always way behind the technological curve. First computer: Commodore 64 back when IBMs were all the rage. Email? Probably one of the last people on earth to start using it. In fact, I still use it so little, you can hardly call it 'using'. It's a good thing I learn fast - cause I always seem to start at an experience disadvantage to everybody else.

What else is there? Oh yeah, I have been fortunate enough to have inherited some Arena Football League season tickets for the Gladiators. Go Gladiators! I've already seen a couple of games. The good news: The Gladiators seem like the might actually be good. The bad news: The star QB is out for the season already, broken finger. The pacing of an AFL game seems a little different for the NFL - It's kinda paces more like basketball, more one-on-one matchups, freakish turnovers, quicker action. The defense seems heavily restricted. I can't find a very good explanation of the rules anywhere, either. I'm going to reserve judgement on the arena football for a little bit, though.

Still half an hour left? How come time seems to go so fast when I'm at home, but slowly when I'm at school. Let's see... There's a guy sitting way in front of me playing some online game, maybe a mmorg, or is it a mmorph, I forget. With graphics and stuff... maybe it's not online. There's a girl sitting across and to the right of me, and she's distracting. I sort of have a heightened awareness of my surrounding. Trust me, that's not a good thing, I wish I could tune these people out sometimes. As an open admission of my lack of ability of tuning out my surroundings, I go straight for those desks that are surrounded by 3 'walls'.

Well, it's time to go to lab... bye

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I do still exist

I really do! But since I've started school, coupled with the fact that I have possibly the worst time management skills ever, I haven't had time to post anything. When I have time to post something meaningful, I will.