Fantasy Sports Analysis
It's been a frustrating season for me in my fantasy baseball league. My team seems to do fairly decent stats, yet I'm stuck in fifth place. The other managers in the league have been active overall, but trade discussions had been almost nonexistent. I put a lot of thought into my trade offers, so it's really annoying when people reject it without any comments. I only just now created my fantasy football league. The reason it took me so long was because I'm not sure I wanted to continue in the whole fantasy sports realm. It can be fun, but there's so much luck involved that I'm not sure I wanted to invest a whole lot of time in it. I may even let the autodraft select my players for the football league - I really don't think I'm in the mood for the draft prep besides. Maybe I could look at salvaging an autodraft team as a challenge. It seems weird that only a year-and-a-half ago I had no idea what fantasy sports was, yet now I'm looked upon to be the commissioner for the various fantasy leagues that me and my friends are involved in.
I guess I've come a long way - neophyte to expert to possible burnout. I'm sure when the football season starts, I'll be plenty active in the league. Just that it's the little things that annoys me. The fact that luck plays such a large role sometimes really bothers me; I'd like to think I have a hand in what goes on. I suppose such whining is also a part of the fantasy sports environment.
I can't complain too much about it, though. I never would have gotten back to keeping up with baseball had I never joined in on a fantasy league. Interesting that I now know a whole lot more about the more obscure baseball players; like the closer on each team, the younger prospects, the 2B and the SS on each team, etc.