It's time for me to breathe a sigh of relief. I've finally registered (more or less) for classes. Unfortunately, one of the classes I have to take is English. My arch-nemesis. Yep, I don't like English much. All of the writing, the brainstorming, the whole being told to read stuff, and worse yet analyze it as if I knew what I was doing anyway. It's not like I'm terrible at it. If I work hard, I should be able to shimmy a low A. If I work hard, and follow all of my teacher's incessant little rules - then perhaps. One time, when I was in 10th grade, I had this very militant English teacher (who was actually German by the way - good grief!). She graded very strictly - especially when it came to certain 'rules'. Like I had to highlight in 3 different colors each idea presented in the paper, no exceptions. I was defiant at first. It looked tacky; I shouldn't have to do this! Unfortunately I didn't run the class. Eventually I was able to adjust to the rules, or perhaps I was 'broken' or just conformed - my grade went from a D, to a C, to a B, to an A, each quarter. The teacher may have been proud of my improvement, but I was just glad I could leave. I haven't taken English since 12th grade, now I'm back. I wonder how I'll do... (cue a guy jumping off a bridge)
Frau Yount is going to eat your babies.
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