Thursday, September 23, 2004

Theory of Internet Quizzes

I have a theory. Basically people take internet quizzes so they can post stuff on their blogs without having to come up with something creative to write (which takes a lot of energy). Posting quiz results is simply easier to do. In any case, this theory applies to me. I'm more of a reader than a writer anyway.

Anyways, another quiz! This one seems fairly accurate:
20 Questions to a Better Relationship

You are a RPIT--Reserved Practical Intellectual Taker. This makes you a Love Geek.

Heh heh -- you love geek! You are weirdly sexy. It doesn't take people a long time to get to know you, but people *think* it takes a long time, because you are as cool and regulated after a year as you are on a first meeting. You don't tend to date casually -- you just suddenly find yourself in long term relationships.

Your approach to conflict is your greatest asset -- it complements almost every other type. You don't express yourself or your feelings in dramatic terms, but you will speak up to those who do. You are generally calm, but capable of ramping up, and you don't give up until the issue is resolved -- this means even the hottest temper or coolest conflict-avoider can feel comfortable pursuing their satisfaction with you. And you don't hold a grudge -- you get through it, and it's done. You rock.

Sure, you like the sex. And you communicate with your partner well, so you're good at it. But it's not something you would make jokes about or bring up in polite company (not that you don't appreciate that kind of humor). You're no prude, but that's just not your style.

You'd make an excellent parent.

You enjoy food and can be a ravenous eater. A good cook will get your attention quickly.

Decisions, decisions

I changed my title back, cause I'm fickle. Besides, my new title didn't suit me. Don't ask me what I want to eat, unless you have 30 minutes to spare while I try to decide.

Listening to: Larry Carlton - Discovery

Mike Tyson - punching bag

Not too long ago, on the Dan Patrick show (radio) they were making fun of one of Mike Tyson's recent soundbites. "I've been training confuciusly for my next fight..." They were trying to figure out what he really meant. Was is conscientiously? Capriciously? Confusingly? At a certain point I wanted to yell at the radio, "Profusely, he means PROFUSELY!" Oh well, I should have emailed it in, but I was in my car.

I've heard Mike Tyson takes anti-depressants. He certainly seems to need it, it's obvious he suffers from some sort of mental illness. However, it's been suggested that maybe the medication hurts his fighting ability. After all, if he's feeling all calm and rational, it doesn't really help him in the ring. Boxing is a sport where it's actually an advantage to be a little crazy.

Are Mike's days numbered? Maybe. But he'll keep trying. As Mike would say, he doesn't want to fade into Bolivia...

Thursday, September 16, 2004


I decided to change the name of my blog - I wanted something more abstract. I also decided to add some more links. I still haven't added any blogs though, I guess I'm just too picky.

Hmm, maybe I should describe my links? The Best Page in the Universe is a well written site with some good rants. Don't go there if you're easily offended. Any Old Actress is a site with some good info on the more talented (and obscure) actresses in the movie business. It's probably a good site to find your favorite actresses in the better independent movies (major movies aren't really covered). I love actresses and I like independent movies, so I found it appealing.

Work Dream

I had one of those weird work dreams. Basically I dreamt I went to work. I was screwing everything up and everything went wrong. It's wasnt really a nightmare or anything, it just was kind of a downer. Heh, I guess this is a boring post. I wish I could tell you about my other work dream I had a long time ago. Basically everybody mutinied in the workplace. People were picking sides and fighting each other. At least one person was a double agent. It was a pretty exciting dream, but alas I don't remember any more details...

Monday, September 13, 2004

Your wings are BROKEN and tattered. You are
an angelic spirit who has fallen from grace for
one reason or another - possibly, you made one
tragic mistake that cost you everything. Or
maybe you were blamed for a crime you didn't
commit. In any case, you are faithless and
joyless. You find no happiness, love, or
acceptance in your love or in yourself. Most
days are a burden and you wonder when the
hurting will end. Sweet, beautiful and
sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching
picture. You are the one that few understand.
Those that do know you are likely to love you
deeply and wish that they could do something to
ease your pain. You are constantly living in
memories of better times and a better world.
You are hard on yourself and self-critical or
self-loathing. Feeling rejected and unloved,
you are sensitive, caring, deep, and despite
your tainted nature, your soul is
breathtakingly beautiful.

Image is a painting by Natalya Nesterova,

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Super Bowl

Before the football season starts, I figure I might as well post my Super Bowl prediction. Here goes:

New England Patriots vs Seattle Seahawks

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Will Turner
Will Turner

Pirates of the Caribbean - Which character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, September 03, 2004

M. Night Shyamalans' Cultural Phenomenon

About a month ago, I watched The Village. Having never seen any of M. Night Shyamalan's films before, I didn't have any expectations. Overall, I liked the film. Since I didn't see any of the twists coming, they were effective. I liked the overall tone of the film. Not to say the film was perfect, far from it. The film seemed a little 'loose' - everything didn't quite come together. Also, the film's concept may not appeal to everybody. But overall, I found the film quaint, like a nice walk in the park.

I didn't want to post my thoughts on The Village until I saw the 'Cultural Phenomenon' know as The Sixth Sense, so I would have a more proper perspective on Shyamalan's work. Well, after putting it off for years, I finally saw The Sixth Sense. It was very impressive.

One thing I noticed about The Sixth Sense was that even without 'the twist', it would still have been a very good movie. If you look at a good movie like a nice cup of hot cocoa, The Sixth Sense would be like a nice cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows. The marshmallows, like the twist, are not required, but they make the cup of cocoa extra special. Not only that, but the twist in The Sixth Sense was expertly crafted into the story. It was seamless. The film seemed very well balanced, and there were no flaws in it that I could tell. The movie was simply excellent. Probably one of The Village's greatest flaws, was the fact that it was based totally on 'the twist' in it. No twist, no movie.

Many people have expressed disappointment with M. Night Shyamalan's recent relative misfires. (Blast him! It's not another Sixth Sense!) Some people think he is too arrogant coming off The Sixth Sense's success (which was fully deserved). Maybe it's true, but I don't really care. It's apparent to me, after seeing these two films, that he is both very ambitious and very talented. I think these are traits you would want in a director. I look forward to seeing more of his films, because he's bound to make another gem. I just won't expect every film he makes to be great.

Listening to: Err, well I never bothered to change my CDs, so it's still Norah Jones

Can it be true!?!?

Rumor has it, Quentin Tarantino is keeping a blog. It's being kept up by his editor, but the voice behind it is supposed to be QT himself. Well, if the rumor is true, it would be really cool! Check it out!

Listening to: An endless stream of sports talk radio...

Thursday, September 02, 2004

DVDs are cool

It seems hypocritical of me to have supported DVDs before ever having used one. I mean, I've heard that they were really cool, but I just didn't know how cool. Until today. Yes, I rented a copy of the DVD The Girl Next Door, and I was very impressed. All the extras, and the commentary, and the deleted scenes; it was just cool! I especially liked the commentaries since it allows the viewer a chance to view the little nuances of the film you are watching. You get to see the director's ideas put to action, and see the the actors practice their subtle art. All in all, very cool! Oh, and I liked the movie too. The plot may have beem a little too complex for this type of film; but otherwise, it was good clean fun. Well, sort of clean fun anyways. I will never go back to boring VHS!

Listening to: Norah Jones - Come Away With Me

More Quizzes...

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Ethical Philosophy Results

I was intrigued, so I took the Ethical Philosophy Selector test:

My Results:
1. Spinoza (100%)
2. Aquinas (89%)
3. Stoics (78%)
4. Jean-Paul Sartre (72%)
5. Kant (70%)
6. John Stuart Mill (55%)
7. Aristotle (55%)
8. Ockham (55%)
9. Nietzsche (51%)
10. Jeremy Bentham (49%)
11. St. Augustine (44%)
12. Epicureans (43%)
13. Plato (41%)
14. Ayn Rand (37%)
15. Prescriptivism (35%)
16. David Hume (28%)
17. Cynics (27%)
18. Thomas Hobbes (26%)
19. Nel Noddings (22%)
Click here for info on the various results

Here's what it says for Spinoza:
  • Determinist
  • Something must have a desirable affect on man in order to be good
  • Must understand determinism of the world
I wasn't satisfied with the descriptions, so I investigated further and found this resource. It seemed interesting, but it's very heavy reading. I've never really studied philosophy, but I suppose Spinoza could be true for me.

Conclusions drawn from the atricle about Spinoza:
  • Naturalist view of God
  • The world is governed by natural laws
  • Values the use of reason over passion
  • Virtue can be achieved through the pursuit of knowledge, and the practice of justice and charity
  • Strong Support for individual freedom and religious tolerance