Monday, November 22, 2004

And cooler heads prevail - or not?

Chaos and anarchy reign everywhere. Okay, maybe I'm being melodramatic. But seriously, what's the deal with everybody overreacting to everything?

First, you have the infamous 'Desperate Housewives' Monday Night Football lead-in causing all that controversy. Fine, it was inappropriate for the target audience. (Is football necessarily suitible for 8 year olds anyways? It's pretty violent.) But with the way people were acting, you would think somebody died or something. For someone to call it "the worst thing I have ever seen" is pretty ridiculous (he must never watch TV or go to the movies then).

Then you have a massive fan-player brawl occur at an NBA game. Not to be outdone, a college football brawl occurs the next day; with one of the coaches blaming the NBA incident for directly causing it.

What gives? Clearly we live in a society of high underlying tension, and of overreaction. This is like a powder keg going off. I would like to say "lighten up", but society might blow an artery if I did.


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