Saturday, June 26, 2004

Bowling night

I got invited to go bowling with a few people last night, so I decided to go. Wow, it's been at least a year since I last bowled, and I was pretty rusty. No competition though. After going spare, spare, spare, strike, strike the next closest player knew he was playing for 2nd place. Even though I bowled a 191 and 157, I was a little disappointed with my performance. Maybe it was the rust, or maybe it was my sore thumb, which I smashed badly the other day, but I never could find my strike ball. Aside from a few lucky strikes, all I got was spare, spare, spare. Spares are boring (but they'll get you a high average). Guess I shouln't complain too much. Overall, it was fun - except for when someone decided to spill beer on me.


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